
Regarding Your Health: Where Do You Stand?

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Before you take that first step towards any lasting change you should first evaluate where you are.  So ask yourself the following questions: How do you feel most days? Are you always tired? Do you sleep well? Are you happy? Are you stressed? For every action there is a reaction Most of us don’t realize […]


Food is What Food Does

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Food plays a major role in our health and wellbeing.  We are what we eat, and there is a limit to how much waste our body can filter out and continue to function properly. It is very hard to make a lasting change in our daily eating habits without first examining how we eat and what […]


Our Pregnant Men and The Health Implications

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I can’t help but notice that our men appear pregnant.  I sometimes find myself estimating their trimester (i.e., first trimester, or, oh gosh – third trimester and ready to burst!). What happened to our men? How come it’s okay for them to look like they’ve swallowed a bowling ball or a Thanksgiving Day turkey?  It […]


Dietary Fat is our Friend

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Dietary fat has been vilified for the last 20 years.  We’ve been told that if we eat fat we will gain fat; but it’s just not true. It is true that fat provides most of the fuel that our cells will burn for energy, but your body will burn carbohydrates before it will burn fat […]